Daily Archives: 2 April 2015

Yogrt, Aplikasi Chating ‘All In One’ Buatan Indonesia


KlikSeru.com – Perkembangan developer aplikasi smartphone khususnya Android di Tanah Air kian menjamur. Bahkan putra-putra bangsa ini hadir dengan aplikasi yang menghadirkan konsep baru dan lebih inovatif. Contohnya yaitu aplikasi chating bernama Yogrt.

Kongko Digital, developer dari Yogrt mengklaim bahwa aplikasi ini hadir dengan konsep baru dalam bidang berkomunikasi dan berkomunitas di dunia maya. Yogrt merupakan aplikasi yang memiliki paket all in, yaitu memadukan fitur jejaring sosial, chatting dan permainan dalam satu aplikasi chating.

“Kami fokus pada cara untuk memiliki teman-teman baru, chatting dan gamification dalam satu aplikasi mobile bernama Yogrt. Yogrt menawarkan cara segar untuk membuat teman baru yang berada di dekatnya melalui mini games yang menyenangkan,” ujar Jason Lim, CEO Kongko Digital.

Selain itu, Jason juga menjelaskan bahwa Yogrt juga akan ahdir dengan fitur-fitur andalan lainnya. Antara lain fitur pencari teman baru yang dikemas dalam sebuah mini game, dimana Anda bisa memainkan sebuah mini game untuk berkenalan dengan pengguna Yogrt lainnya. Dengan fitur ini Jason berharap, masalah ‘lost in words’ ketika memulai percakapan dengan teman baru online bisa teratasi.

“Saat ini lima besar mobile aplikasi Android adalah aplikasi chatting. Kami optimis Yogrt yang dibuat sesuai selera masyarakat Indonesia, seperti mini games Teka Teki, Tebak Kata, Match 7, memiliki fitur yang segar untuk ditawarkan ke pasar Indonesia,” ujar Jason.

Kini aplikasi chating Yogrt bisa dinikmati para pengguna Android dengan spesifikasi OS Android 4.0+, dimana versi iOS akan segera hadir pada bulan Desember 2014 mendatang.

Precious Word

                                                                              Tired? Yes it’s a true life.
            There is one word that can remove our shortcomings, namely the spirit. The spirit is one word which means a huge motivation. yaa .. The word spirit we often said to make ourselves or others become more active in conducting an activity. Indeed, the spirit of the simplest words but can affect a lot for everyone. try it if there is no word spirit surely everyone in the world will not do any work again if he was tired. But because of the word spirit that everyone in the world will feel motivated.
The word spirit is often we say, but do you know it’s whether we Encourage people feel motivated or even angry? but impossible he would be angry. When a person has to feel tired doing the job or someone that feels lazy to do any work, give encouragement to them. Because that’s where they get the power.

       Usually when we have a passionate do any work the first time, often have to collapse due to the weight of life. Well, that’s when we need motivation for life that can pump up our spirits again. Actually failed in Power is better than succeed in cheating. Because something that would have disastrous fraudulent disaster for doing it, and therefore always be honest in life, life is short we will not know when we will meet with the almighty, still behave in accordance with religious teachings and spirit. because the spirit of the one who can raise our weakness.

just Enjoy your life, Because life is a beutiful

Where is my mother ?

         My name is Bayu. I was a scavenger that has no father and mother. My father had just died because of  a natural disease . I am sad , I never knew my mother name and where her place.But before he died, my father just gave me a bracelet that reads the letter I, R and A and the sentence was not yet complete “IRA” .Ayah say if there are people who use a bracelet that reads the letter n and i, chances are it is your mother. Means she named “IRANI”.

         I was curious about it, but I do not unduly burden my mind. My goal now just to find food and raise money to continue school to junior high school level. My place is just a doorway and under the bridge. I do not have a home anymore, since my father died my house had been sold for the cost of treatment. But not why I will continue to pursue my dream to become astronaut.

        When morning I scavenged in the market, I saw a mother who uses a bracelet bearing the letters ni, I thought it was my mother. Then I chased him, and I lost track and did not find a mother who uses a bracelet that I was looking for it.And since then I’ve always been waiting in front of the market and have a look hand mother – a mother who passed in front of me, until I spelled as thief , but I had no intention to steal.
        Although my appearance like trash, but I never had bad intentions towards people, I had a week to spend the night in front of the market. And the next day I intend to go back down the bridge only when this day I still do not find my mother.Then I resigned just waiting, and suddenly there was a mother – a mother who asked me to bring relief goods spending. I will be willing and toward the parking lot, and suddenly on the highway I saw people gathered there something like an accident.

           And I took off my hands goods and ran towards the crowd, and I saw the mother was covered in blood and his hand wearing a bracelet that reads the letter ni. and apparently it was my mother that I was looking for this. how the destruction of the liver and my feelings, I met the mother in these circumstances. I asked for help to the people there to take the mother to the hospital. And the doctor said that the mother’s life could not be saved.How sad I am, become orphans. But thank to gods still gives me a chance to see my mother’s face.
“Destiny is in the hands of God”.